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About This Site

AI Content Comparisons is a resource to help you review and compare AI writers.

Top Picks — if you’re looking to try an AI writer, check out my top picks first.

Reviews — find detailed analysis and content samples from all the top AI writers.

Blog — Learn more about how AI writers are influencing the internet and what they mean for your work.

Who is behind this site?

My name’s Ben, and I’m the founder of the WordPress theme shop, Compete Themes. I also work on other projects like Strive and Independent Analytics and generally spend way too much time working on projects like this 🙃

If you want to chat, you can reach me via this form.

Why create a site about AI writers?

My initial draw to AI writers was a mix of fear and fascination.

My background of Black Mirror and West World episodes prepared me for the ultimate skepticism of AI, but treating AI like a foe is a practice best left to Hollywood.

The truth is that AI is not going to replace you as a writer any time soon. There’s still a lot it can’t do and many things it will never do.

With my fear subsided, I realized that AI is not a tool to replace writers, it’s a tool FOR writers.

With AI, you can rapidly generate rough drafts on any topic regardless of your expertise. And I say “rough draft” because all content written with AI needs editing, but it lets you skip the research and writing phases almost entirely.

If you only write highly technical or personal content, AI writing may not be for you, but for content agencies and freelance writers, getting a well-researched rough draft in minutes can be a real boost to productivity.

Once I embraced AI content, I wanted to research every writer on the market and create a resource where other people can find fair comparisons. That’s why every review on this site includes unedited content samples, screenshots, and other insights from my testing.

If you want to know whether AI can help you with your writing, I’d recommend checking out some of the reviews to get a better understanding of what modern AI writers can do.

See my top picks for the best AI writers

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This site makes use of affiliate links in the reviews. If you click on an affiliate link and purchase the recommended product, I’ll be paid a commission for referring you as a customer at no additional charge for you. The recommendations on this site are made in earnest and not dictated by affiliate programs or terms.