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Anyword Review

The best AI tool for copywriting
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What is it?

I’ll just come out and say it…

Anyword is the best AI writer for ads and sales page copy.

There are a few unique features in Anyword that make it superior to other AI writers when it comes to writing conversion-oriented copy.

And in this Anyword review, you’ll learn how it works, how it’s different than other AIs, what its weaknesses are, and how much it costs.

Here’s a quick overview of the app to get things started.

Quick Look at Anyword
Overall rating:
Automation type: Semi-automated

Anyword is a Semi-automated AI writer, meaning it functions like a writing assistant generating portions of text automatically.

Pricing: $29/month

This is the cheapest monthly plan offered by Anyword.

Content quality:
Content types: ads, social posts, emails, product descriptions, landing pages, and more.

How does it work?

Anyword includes ways to create content.

The tool you’ll probably use the most is called the Data-driven editor. Here’s how it works.

content types

After selecting the Data-driven Editor, you can select the type of content you'd like to create. There are more than 50+ different templates to choose from.

amazon product description

You'll fill out the inputs in the left sidebar, and the AI will generate results in the editor to the right. Here you can see three headlines followed by three Amazon product descriptions the AI created.

copy performance score

Each content sample gets a Predictive Performance score, which you can click on to view in more detail. This works even better with a target audience defined (more on that later).

Once you’re happy with the content, you can copy it into your clipboard and use it however you want.

It’s a straightforward process and makes content generation extremely fast. However, this isn’t the only way to create content with Anyword.

There’s also a dedicated blog post generator called the Blog Wizard.

How to use the Blog Wizard

The Blog Wizard is a lot like the Data-driven Editor. The difference is that there is a series of inputs to fill out in sequential order.

For example, here’s how you can get started creating an article.

Blog Post Wizard

You’ll enter a brief description of the post, choose an industry, and optionally add some SEO keywords.

After you click the Next button, Anyword will give you a few titles to choose from, followed by an outline and then an intro paragraph.

You can edit as you go, and once you’re happy with the text, you can begin working on the full article.

Here’s what the article editor looks like:

Editing a blog post

If you click inside any section, you’ll see a box show up to the right. Click the Generate button there, and it will automatically write 100-200 words of text to match the heading.

While it does feel a bit odd working on an article split up into parts, it’s clear how it works, and it does make writing extremely fast.

There’s one other way to create content with Anyword, and that is what really sets it apart from other AI writers.

How is it different?

Anyword has a unique feature that is totally different from what the other AI writers offer.

With Anyword, you also get a website optimization feature that can improve the conversion rate of your landing pages.

You’ll enter a page, and Anyword will get to work finding text it can optimize. Here’s an example showing some headings that it found on a homepage:

Web copy optimizer

There’s a Predictive Performance score given to your current text, and if you click the Generate more button, it will open a modal window with inputs for generating new variations.

New example headlines with Predictive Performance scores

Each result gets a Predictive Performance score as well, which can make it easier to choose the best one.

Even better, once you choose a new result to use on your site, Anyword will implement it for you and track the conversions.

To do this, you’ll add their Javascript snippet to your site and enter a conversion goal URL (or use their event method). This way, Anyword can test multiple variations and track which ones produce the most conversions.

This might seem kind of confusing at first, so here’s the main takeaway:

Anyword will help you write conversion-oriented copy, track its performance, and recommend new copy to improve your conversion rates.

It’s not something everyone needs, but this technology could be a huge boon if you run ads or have high-volume landing pages to test.

  • Huge variety of content types
  • Dedicated Blog Wizard for long-form content
  • Predicted Performance scores help with choosing the best copy
  • Awesome website copy optimization tool
  • Short free trial
  • Blog Wizard UI can be awkward
  • Struggles with factual accuracy

Content samples

This wouldn’t be much of an AI writer review without a look at the content.

Here are some samples taken straight from without any editing.

How these samples were created

Screenshots were taken for short-form content, but since an entire article doesn’t fit well on the screen, they were copied into a text editor and captured there instead.

None of the content was edited in any way.

Content quality rating

Here’s a big disclaimer before you read my assessment:

I always score AI writers based on their long-form content. This might be a bit inappropriate for Anyword since it’s mostly used for copywriting and short-form content, but I’ve found that long-form content really puts AI tools to the test.

Basically, take these scores with a grain of salt if you don’t intend to use Anyword for articles. I haven’t scored the content based on how well it could convert or inspire new ideas.

Content Quality of Anyword

Factual accuracy measures the tools ability to correctly state facts. The AI loses points if it states innaccurate facts like the USA was founded in 1920 or Stockholm is a country in England.

Factual accuracy:

Intelligibility measures how sensible the text is. The AI loses points for writing nonsense sentences and phrases.


Repetitiveness measures how much the AI repeats itself. The AI loses points for repeating the same words and sentence structures, or making the same point repeatedly.


Flow & readability is a general measure of how much one sentence flows into the next. The AI loses points for awkward sentences and jarring transitions.

Flow & readability:

Spelling & grammary is a measure of the AI's ability to spell words correctly and use proper grammar. The AI loses points for gross mispellings and grammatical errors, but leniency is given for regional choices, such as "color" vs "colour".

Spelling & grammar:
Overall rating:

Factual accuracy

Anyword struggled with factual information. I have to give it some credit because it did well with some geography and hotel names, but there were too many mistakes for a strong rating.

Anyword frequently got things wrong when writing factual information. After it wrote that tomatoes go bad quicker in the fridge, I went down a rabbit hole and discovered that tomatoes can lose some of their taste when kept in the fridge, but there’s no evidence that refrigeration makes them go bad faster.

It also said that Miami has 100 miles of coastline, which is way longer than in reality.


The text that Anyword wrote always made sense to me. I found one exception, but it wasn’t bad enough to take off a star.

In the article about growing tomatoes, it says you can plant the tomatoes next to a trellis to help them grow vertically or next to a shed or the edge of the property to keep them out of site. It’s a bit silly; you wouldn’t debate whether to use a trellis or hide the tomato plant, but it’s not completely nonsensical and is easy enough to edit into something more logical.


There was some repetition of words and phrases in the articles. This would become much more evident when expanding the content beyond 100 words/section and would require additional editing.

Flow & readability

Anyword did a great job of creating sentence structure variety and flowing from one idea to the next. There weren’t any jarring transitions or awkwardly worded sentences.

Spelling & grammar

Anyword gets four stars because its spelling was perfect and grammar consistent. There were some missing commas and extraneous words, but it did very well overall.

Overall content rating

Overall, Anyword’s content is very good.

If you plan on using it for short-form content, especially headlines and taglines, you won’t run into any issues with factual relevancy; it’s just not relevant.

For copywriting purposes, I’d call it a five-star AI writer.

However, if you want to use it for long articles, the issues with factual accuracy and repetition are likely to be exacerbated by the content length and become a hindrance to your content creation.

Other features

Before we move onto pricing, there are a couple of other awesome features you should know about.

target audience
Target Audience Profiles

You can create target audience profiles to describe who you're selling to. Anyword will use these profiles to write copy that matches the audience.

import from url
Import from URL

The Import from URL feature might be my favorite. With it, you can skip filling out the inputs to generate new content and simply enter a URL instead.


Anyword’s pricing fits in with other AI writers on the market with a 7-day free trial and paid plans beginning at $29/month for 20K words.

Anyword pricing
View the pricing

The pricing scales similarly to other AI tools, with 65K words costing $59 and 200K for $149.

When Anyword generates copy, it provides a Predictive Performance score once, and that’s it. With the Data-Driven plan, it will evaluate your writing as you make edits and can automatically rewrite text to score higher.

While Data-Driven does cost significantly more, it could be well worth it if you’re writing more than an ad or two.

$24/month (Paid annually)
All three writing tools
$83/month (Paid annually)
Writing tools + realtime performance scores

View full comparison

Final take

At the end of the day, I don’t have anything bad to say about Anyword. It does almost everything well, and it has clear advantages over most other AI writers.

Anyword is the best AI writer for copywriting. Its Predictive Performance scores and web copy optimization platform makes it more robust and practical than any other AI for writing ads and landing page copy. It’s average as an article-writing tool, so it wouldn’t be the best choice if you primarily want to write blog posts.

Start your free trial

All things considered, Anyword is an awesome Ai writer, but if you’re more interested in writing long-form content than ads, check out the following alternatives instead.

Best alternatives

Article Forge is a great alternative if you’re more interested in writing articles than sales copy.

👉 Read my Article Forge review

Jasper is an excellent AI writer if you want to generate content at scale and collaborate with other team members.

👉 Read my Jasper review


Is the content truly unique?

Yes, all of the full-length articles shown in the content samples above were tested with Copyscape and did not yield any similar results.

How much can you write on the Basic plan?

With 1,000 words, I was able to write a short blog post, four Facebook ads, four promotional SMS messages, and two AIDA sales pitches.

On the Basic plan, you’ll be able to write 20x as much per month.

Try out Anyword and see what it can write for you. Thanks for reading my Anyword review!